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Booze Cruisin'

One of the perks of Russ's law student status is the occasional free stuff!  The law school/a big firm pay for each student section to go on a booze cruise on Lady Bird Lake every fall, and it might be one of my favorite things every fall.  It's free, it's on a boat, it's booze, it's a few of my favorite things.

A whole lot of work and not much interesting has been going on here this week.  I just thought I'd share that photo of my current place of residence.  We have meeting number 4 of our new church small group happening tomorrow night and per Rusty Welch's request, we're hodgepodging together a Venezuelan dinner!  Hopefully the food will go well, and the conversation will go better.  It's still early in our group and I think we're still working out some kinks in the flow of our discussion (obviously though, right? I mean, I wrote a stinking long post about it last week, so clearly, still working on it).

Happy Hump Dayyyyyyyyyyyy!
