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That's What I Like About Texas

Went to the heart of Texas this past weekend to hang with my sister and meet Lawry.  I went to visit the Latin American library, which I did do... but I spent about 13.73% of my time in Austin at the library.  What did I do instead??? Ate really good Mexican food, and that inspired a thought.  Sometimes, when the folks up north ask me what is so great about Texas, I give the standard answers: food is better, the people are nice, sunsets are great, and something about that wildwest mentality is awesome (more on that to come).  And, I'm not just saying this stuff, I've been places, I can compare.  However, I feel that my answers are still so abstract, so I concocted a new mission for this summer:

Photo-document all the reasons Texas is the GREAT STATE!!!

...Well, at least in the eastern/central/southern/northern parts.  My apologies to the panhandle and El Paso, you are also part of the awesome, but it would almost take me as long to get pictures of you as it would to just go back up north.  Anyway, a visual journey o' the great state is in the works...

For now, some pictures of Mexican food and Austin-y things:
 Lawry with a brisket and a shrimp taco and my fried avocado and seared ahi tuna taco from "Torchy's Tacos" in Austin.  Their tagline is "Torchy's Tacos: Damn Good Tacos."  And I'll add because it is appropriately funny... hellzzz yes they are! Mmmm, tacos...

My sister drove us all there for dinner (thank you my Austin sensei and yogi) and she got the fried avocado (best) and the shrimp taco.  Apparently this place began as a taco truck and then expanded into a small place on what they call "the drag" just off of UT-Austin's campus.  As I've always said, you know it is good when it comes from a taco truck or taco stand.  Especially, if they made so much money on their stand that they also bought a little place in a hot spot of town.

Then we went to Amy's Ice Cream... Lawry was so giddy about the ice cream; he felt like a child :)
We got a pint of Mexican vanilla ice cream with pecan praline and crushed waffle cone and split it between the three of us while we sat at the children's table.  Ah, so good!

Now to work on that research I put off,


Molly said...

whoaaaaaa fried avocado? that sounds pretty amazing. and your post makes me think, we could go to dq tonight. cuz that's what i like about texas. unfortunately, you missed the buy one get the second blizzard for $.25 phenomenon, but they are still fairly glorious. and texan.

Russell said...

one of my favorite things about Texas: the low instances of vegetarian restaurants. or as i like to call them, "restaurants with only side dishes"

Malsi said...

Molly, we should find out the secret of fried avocado! I also heart DQ. Texas versions of Blizzards are much better than actual blizzards.

Russell, that's part of that whole wild west mentality, that whole, "don't tread on me" thing. Which is normally a crazy thing, but sometimes its oddly endearing. Like the story about Rick Perry shooting the coyote that attacked his dog while he was out running. The coyote started running toward the dog so he just shot it. Oh, Texas.