This! From Russell. The subject line read: "I have more free time than you... :)"
You used it well Lawry! Let the laughter ensue!
Soarin'! Flyin'! If I'm trying, yeah, I'm breaking free!,
-MJ or Gabriella
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this is just another reason why i love lawry.
where did you get your pic for your logo from?
i miss you! you can do it! "we're all in this together..."
together, together, together everyone!
if you mean the header one, i took that one at the arboretum last may when lawry and i went on a day date down there. they had these fun storybook playhouses and one of them had a mini-garden in the back with that one really large sunflower
i saw the wedpage updates! i heart it! gave me more to stalk today!
i miss you too! today's group question at church was about memorable moments in high school, made me miss the ville and starbucks :)
Hello. I almost forgot about this wonderful way to stalk Malsi! I am sure you can guess that this picture makes me reallllllly happy! I need to see your face soon.
i want to see your face too!!! it's been so long since i've had any megsicle time, lets get together and go do one of the following:
1) eat ice cream, or just eat good things
2) shop ridiculously cheap sales (i'm having a minor crisis about my wardrobe, i need someone cute to help me)
3) talk about how i want your life...
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