Like one of mi hermana! Who, by the way, was the cutest child, ever. My dad has this slide show of family pictures on his computer, and she's just adorable.
And one of the Spanntastic Two! Blake's face by the way doesn't reflect coldness so much as it reflects that she lives in Houston now, where winter lasts for like 13 hours. :)
I wanted to go to the playground because I thought the colors would provide a fun contrast to the pictures. They do, but I wish it had been light out; it would have made the colors "pop" a bit more.
Blakey and I "enjoying" the only snow she's seen this season because of her current exile in Houston ;)
Bracing myself for "April Panic Mode" and hoping it brings "May Light Work Load,"
March is Madness! Villanova, Vandy, Georgetown, Wisconsin and KANSAS all lost in the first two rounds of the NCAA tourney-o-mayhem AAANNNDDDD it SNOWED IN DALLAS! March is really bitter about the whole rhyme thing. It's okay though. We still love March because of spring break!
And I agree, the picture slideshow is all kinds of adorable and amusing.
march comes in like a lion, what else, still the snow, never melts... you're about to forget the whole thing, all at once one day it's springgggg
YAYYYYY! HAHA your comments made me LAUGH soooooo much! haha and i agree with everything you said! :)
love you malsiiiii!
the barnyard is busy in a regular tizzy, and the obvious reason is because of the season! my nature's lyrical for this yearly miracle! spring! spring! spring!!
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