So, I've been wanting to change my blog's name for a while now. I didn't think it had the title of a famous blog, so in self-fulfilling prophetic effort, I set out to find a new blog name. I thought about song lyrics, books I like, Spanish sayings, all sorts of stuff! Nothing seemed to quite fit. And then, some things happened last week:
1) Spring. I lurve spring. I've always really enjoyed spring and this year's tough winter made spring that much sweeter. With spring came the sun, and it is wonderful how the sun can put a smile on your face. I don't mind clouds here and there and they can be beautiful in their own right, but the sun just invites you outside.
2) I walked into class last week and someone asked me how I was doing. Last week was more or less hellish. As a result of my weekend in Michigan, I had, well, A LOT of work to do in two and a half days. On top of that, I had to grade midterms. I think I got about 5 hours of sleep every night from Sunday to Thursday. So, I responded to my classmate's question, "Ha, well, you know, it's hard, I'm uh, quite tired, but I'm doing alright, I'm getting through." She then said, "You know, it's nice talking to you, you always have such a positive attitude." WHOA. I sort of sheepishly smiled, said, "Thank you," and sat down to prepare my presentation.
So, here's what I've learned. I do my fair share of complaining, just ask my parents, sister, friends, Lawry. Good Lord, I can whine, but I do believe there is a big difference between happiness and joy. Between the two, I'll try to keep choosing joy, and in that process I want to give that joy and love to others. Sort of like how the sun (pun, pun, pun) shines on me and gives me joy.
Also, Sunshine Papers is much more famous blogger-esque. :)
Hunting down a bike,
P.S. - The blog title is from Dave Barnes's new album. I just got it late last week, and it talks about this stuff too. I recommend ;)
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oooooh good to know you liked davey's new album. and i like the new blog title! it is more famousesque. and i agree with the chick in your class, you are a joy with joy and positive and encouraging to be around. and i am going to get to be around you on FRIDAY!!!! yay. i am already planning a study session with you next monday. you just don't know about it yet. i feel like i had something else to say here.... oh. i want a new pic for my blog topper thing. but i don't know how to make them fit/don't have good pics. you can help me next week though! yay!
thanks mollo! i can't wait to be around you either! texas! and study dates! monday sounds grrrreat! and davey's newest is good, it's less pop-y and perhaps a bit more... eh, mature??
lets go on a picture taking trip. it'll be fab :) we'll wear dresses
i like that sheepish smile. i can't wait to hear the dave cd and hang out with you soon!
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