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G!-Double O!-D!-J!-O!-B! Good job! Good job!

A job, a job! PTL! I've been offered to stay on for my assistantship for the next academic year!! Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with this.  Thank you for giving me the energy to stay up and grade papers, thank you for supporting me emotionally when I dealt(/continue to deal) with students that tested(/continue to test) my patience with their antics (students are crazy).  Thank you for the ways in which my patience has increased and allowed me to become a better instructor/explain-er.  Thanks for the the break from the pages of reading and gifting me with some math. I hope that the rest of the semester brings more learning moments for me and for my students.  I hope we both learn about critical analysis and thinking processes and we learn more about the beauties of math and the people we are becoming.

In other good news, I don't think Bloomington will get any more snow this spring. FINALLY! Now, just waiting for the warmth :)

Looking for logic,

P.S. - My northern adventure (Michigan!) is this weekend, stayed tuned for pictures of the winter wonderland/All-American state

And, something for you to check out. I would blog about it, but Colbert's wit is much better than mine would be :) Go to for more!

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Coal Comfort - Margaret Palmer
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorSkate Expectations


Russell said...

Malsitaaaaaa!!!! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! I approve :)

I'm so glad that you get enjoy the linear(ish), logical clarity-ness of math from time to time! And I'm glad that your students think you're cool but really strict :)

God is good!