Anyway, I added a google translation thingy to mon bloggee. I don't imagine that I have international readers (i.e. mi familia), but just in case they're ever interested, I decided I'd give google translation a shot. Here's what's funny though:
Google translating from any language into English? Pretty decent, rather good at interpreting meaning, converting grammar, etc. etc. I've used it for research before...
Google translating from English into any language? Absolutely dismal! and I can only speak for the romance language translations (Spanish, and okay amounts of Portuguese and Italian), but they are terrible. If you know both languages though, it's really sort of funny! At least I think so, but then I am a nerd and in graduate school, most things in life are funnier than what I spend all day doing.
So perhaps, if you are fluent enough to see the hilarity of the translation, check it out! At first it will bemuse you, then you'll be amused, and then you'll muse over writing a blog about it or translate your own blog.
Hitting the books today,
here comes the sunnn, doooot dooo dooo doooooo! here comes the sun i say, it's alright! *mouths guitar riff*
dave barnes posted this as his status earlier and it made me think of you...
"Must say, a hard winter makes such a beautiful day feel like sugar plums and lolly candy."
the sugar plums and lolly candy are coming!
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