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This spring break I made a much needed trip to the Promised Land.  No, not Israel (although, hopefully one day).  I went to Texas!  It was fan-flugging-tastic (this is a word Lawry uses now, he doesn't know what flugging means, I have a guess)!  Spent sweet time with the familia, with my future-Spann-tastic friend and with the almost-Leverenzi (edit: LEVERENZO)!  It was just nice to be home and recharge, I feel like I have the boost to thrive through the rest of the semester! Even though the week was a great break, I still appreciate all prayers for the rest of the semester! Anyway, my last weekend home, Lawry, fresh off a business trip to Seattle, came to visit me in Lewisville! Yippee! So, Lawry and I went on a day date to downtown Denton and ended up with a (sort of) hipster-like theme. It was a blast! Russell found this book about Tall Texans, or you know, himself. And, he found a really cool jacket at a vintage store! I ended up wanting something "new" too, so I bought some purple boots.  I heart Texas.
Get it, Lawry, tall, Texan? Yes.

Going places! I'm actually holding a book of Indiana hiking trails...
Russell practicing for his old man days
A tripod named Richard took this picture for us.  Richard and a self-timer named Steve.

Denton is a recommended day trip, lots of fun things! This book nerd spent half the time in the Recycled Bookstore, but there's also two antique malls: Antique Mall and Antique Mall II with everything from sarcophagi to samurai swords. There's a fun coffeeshop (you must get your coffee flavored or sweet, my americano wasn't so great, but Lawry's caramel latte was pretty decent), some good restaurants (we didn't visit, but we were told), and 2nd Street Recycled Vintage where Rusty and I bought out sweet "new" things!
After Lawry and I got back to the good ole LVT, it started snowing. In late March. In Dallas.  Crazy! Pictures from that to come later :)

In a Texas state of mind,


Molly said...

cute cute cute. and steamy--kissing in the bookstore! i love it!

i had so much fun with you! and lawry! and i miss you already! prayers are headed your way for the rest of the semester. YOU CAN DO IT!

oh, also, we are actually the leverenzO. dan and katie took leverenzi.

Russell said...

i had fun with you too molly! i'm glad you like the bookstore picture. it took us a few takes to get it right :) i might have asked for a few re-takes that weren't necessary, but malsi didn't catch me.

the cuba picture is my favorite for sure. props to rich and steve!

ditto on the prayers mals! you're going to rock these next few weeks. thrive thrive!

Malsi said...

leverenzo! corrected! danke for the prayers! only 6 weeks until school is all done (for the semester)!

Molly said...

also, there at least used to be a "tall texans" scholarship for college. i think my sister discovered it and was mad there wasn't an "average to short texans" scholarship.

Anonymous said...

You forgot about the PAELLA and PANCAKES and, and, and...

Malsi said...

oops! next blog will be about the good food and company at home, sorry!

is there a scholarship for average to short or just rather short immigrants to texas to study outside of texas? or can they just give me money? i'll take that too...

David & Blake said...

Haha i love the comments!

But especially and mostly I love you malsi and miss you too!!! I think my favorite picture is of you sitting with your jacket in your lap and you're wonderful glorious socks showing :) I love them!

And of course I liked the others dot dot dot wink.
yes I also cannot WAIT to read about the rest of your springy break! :)