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Life to a T. Swift and K. West soundtrack...

Undergrad Party 2010!! HOLLA!

This is me in my tights, boots and oversized sweater before heading to the undergrad party!  All this undergradie-ness got me reminiscing on the good times before I became a semi-adult.

When I think "college," there are a few songs playing in the background of my mind.  I think "SexyBack" and "Gold digger." "Crazyboutya" and "Brown Eyes" are also staples of my undergraduate existence.  Finally, "Our Song" and "Womanizer" and "Single Ladies" have a strong hold on my fonder memories of college.  What can I say?  I like to dance.
Also, I think of dorm rooms.  The cramped lifestyle, the living on-campus, the freshman year experience! Tagging along with that, the apartment I lived in my junior year, and the BONSAI my senior year.  Man, I loved college.

I loved the time Hurricane Ike blew through College Station and Blake, Blair and I went outside to jump in the SQUALLS! Ashley was out helping refugee type people because she is such a nice and less self-centered person than me.  I bet she doesn't blog.

Missing undergrad a little bit,


Molly said...

i'm still missing undergrad a lotabit.

"i bet she doesn't blog." hahaha.

the tcuers don't do the huge sweater thing. it looks very 80s.

Malsi said...

yes, most of the IUers do the northface and uggs, but I didn't have the moolah for a northface... I did have money for an oversized thrift store sweater though!

and by the way, dressing like an undergrad is SUPER easy, tights and then whatever the heck you want on top... the make-up takes a while though, just the sheer volume...

Russell said...

mals, you are ridikulis. (spelling change in honor of ludakris, a favorite from my undergrad days.)

molly, malsi told me to tell you a story about a friend of mine. she said to preface the story with this:

"the legend returns."

a friend of mine from high school recently got married to a guy that worked at pine cove for like 5 summers. i forget what his camp name is, but his real-life name is john rogers, he worked at the shores. he met my friend, chassidy, when he and matt lantz came and spoke at her college, ETBU. pretty much all they did was meet and they got engaged like two months later.

what is the "legend?"

speaking of blogs and being a not as good person, i just blogged. i'm shamelessly promoting it.

Washed Up said...

I'm loving the hair. Also, I see you've completely embraced tights for pants lol. Well done.

OH. And I see not a single song I have ever given you has ever held a special place in your heart. Just tell me you don't like my music if you don't like it! lol

Malsi said...

hey hey hey! i've told you when i like your music! in fact, i'm listening to bb king right now and i was enjoying a little edith piaf the other day. boom!

and come on, womanizer made my serious can it be?

Molly said...


i now know two legends. legends are people who get engaged/married super fast. especially around senior year of college when supposedly everyone wants to get engaged. and then everyone on campus talks about you, hence, you become a LEGEND.

the most recent legendary story: a girl from mine and david's bible study got engaged and married in the same week. whoa.

Washed Up said...

Oh, I have the best legend. Sebastian's mom and dad met each other and after 2-3 weeks they were engaged and Sebastian's mom moved ALL THE WAY TO CHILE (ps we have the same flag?). Crazy. I think they were there during the military coup overthrow. I love them lol

Malsi said...

Whoa! TRANSCONTINENTAL LEGEND!!! And historical legend!