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Can I be a "Focus Bear?"

I was "focus fox-ing" one of my kids at work.  He said, "what's a focus fox?"  After I explained, he said, "Hmm, I'd rather be a focus bear, can I be a focus bear?"  I laughed, and he was very pleased with his joke.  There's another student who I'm always getting on to about showing his work, so one time I looked down at his paper and I said, "Is that the answer?  What do you think I'm going to tell you to do on the next problem?"  He thought for a second and said, "Show LESS work?"  Children are clever.  The second child is also often making jokes followed up with a "see what I did there?"

 Speaking of children, look at my adorably goofy fiance.  He is really proud of his basic face.  I'm really proud of his scruff.

I spent the past weekend with Lawry in College Station and we had Vietnamese spring rolls with his (and now, our) friends Liam and Hua.  I'm pretty sure that's how their names are spelled, but if it's not, I'm sorry, and trust me, I understand.  Anyway, we added one point to our internationality per spring roll we ate.  Lawry got 6 ish points and I had 7 ish, it's not something I'm particularly proud of...

My hands are obfuscating the rolling process for you, here's the gist though: it was hard.

 Boyfriend and Girlfriend pair that are good at wrapping these things.  They told us that Vietnamese people eat spring rolls at big family gatherings.  I think these rolls are infinitely better than Christmas ham.
Blurrily good successful wrap!
Still digesting,


Molly said...

poor lawry. he would lose at an internationality contest.

Molly said...

and you should have listened to bag pipe music whilst spring rolling. you know what's good at family gatherings? chalupa.

Russell said...

molly, your second comment doesn't make any sense to me. perhaps i am not international enough to understand the reference. your first comment is true.

i get another point for recreating the sauce all by myself this week!

Molly said...

one time malsi was really excited about a guy playing bag pipes in downtown fort worth because, as she said, they were both international (her and the bag pipes).

chalupa is a delightful jarchow dish. i will make it for you sometime. but not tonight. tonight's dish is marinating in my fridge as we speak.