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The closing pages of the book club

Hello bloggies! I have made it to the other side of the wedding-fest!  It is a happy place to be, but I do miss my sweet friends.  Both of the weddings were so... THEM! Blash had a visual array of pinks and Molly's had quirks and sweetness.  Very them :)  Anyway, I started using a new camera to capture these moments, and I don't know if I don't how to use it yet or if it just doesn't like me, so forgive me for washing-out, blurriness, or yellow/red tints to everything.  Yay for the besties and the Davids!

A little love for the baked goods trio!
If there is something Blake LOVES, it's David. And Blair's massages :)
Good bye Mrs. Spann!
Hermana is just really good looking.  I covet her hair, in a sane and healthy way :)

Mooooolllayyyy K. Levy... that is how you appear in my phone, minus a few vowels and plus a lot more consonants.

Every girl needs great besties.  Boys too for that matter :)  If I have little girls one day (Lord, please.... GIRLS.), I hope they have besties like Molly and Blake.  Until next time mes bloggz amies!

Waiting for the rain to clear up,


Russell said...

i love this blog and you!

such beautiful brides and fun weddings. the david's are a couple of very lucky guys!

joanna said...

these besties are lucky & so glad to have you there as well. (you do know that i stalk/read your blog don't you?)

Malsi said...

I didn't know! Whoa! Exciting! I'm so honored!

Dave and Blake said...

awww malsiiii! that is so sweet! I'm finally getting a chance to catch up on your blog! Thanks best friend I love you too along with David and blair's massages!! :)

ChristyDelaine said...

Malsi! I'm glad I re-found your blog. and I agree. every girl should have awesome besties. molly clearly got some good ones!

Malsi said...

Heck yeah, Christy! Best wedding party ever!*

*Blake's was also the best ;)