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Two Weeks In Row?!

This NEVER happens!  I don't mind my absolute there...

KICKAPOO JOY JUICE! Now, I don't know what Joy Juice means, but if we see Kickapoo many more times this summer, I think this blog will take an interesting turn.

Lawry and I spent part of our Memorial Day Weekend down in the Bishop Arts District of North Oak Cliff. It was quaint.  I like quaint things, and colorful things :)

 Lawry really likes graffiti.  I can get into it.

We found two awesome things down there.  A) The "Dude, Sweet Chocolate Shoppe" where we bought some Venezuelan chocolate covered nuts and this delightful ice cream.  Also, too, we found the "The Soda Gallery" with like every soda EVER (another absolute I don't mind).  Lawry got 'imself a sweet cream soda, Hank's Cream Soda.  Mmmhhhmmm!

Kickin' it,


Molly said...

2 weeks in a row of... blogging? lawrence? ice cream?

cute pictures. i like your dress.

Malsi said...

well yes to all of the above! but particularly, two weeks in a row of kickapoo.

Molly said...

i want an engagement blog.