One of those good things is that Lawry got to make the better part of the drive with me. We met in St. Louis Louis, he met me at the airport!! And, then we drove the 10+ hours to DFW through Missouri all the way to Tulsa and then down to the Dirty Lew.
Lawry really wanted to stop at the Jesse James hideout. This is us on the the lookout for the town sheriff!
Once the world's largest McDonalds...
Russell as a frat guy... popped collar, tough guy face, big sunglasses... see big sunglasses aren't just for girls...
And now, STATE LINE Pictures! Not glamorous, I just like 'em for some reason. Maybe cause the destination feels closer
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOklahoma!!!! Where the wind comes sweeping down the plain!
AH!!!!!!!! TEXAS!!!!!!! The stars at night are big and bright (CLAP CLAP CLAP) DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS!
And the Oklahoma-Texas line... the RED RIVER!!!
Texas, Our Texas! All hail the mighty state! Texas, Our Texas! So wonderful, so great! Boldest and grandest withstanding ev'ry test! O Empire wide and glorious, you stand supremely blest! God Bless you, Texas! And, keep you brave and strong! That you may grow in power and worth throughout the ages long!
Eating tacos and saying "y'all,"
i really like how proud/excited you were about substituting "fair" for "airport".
i love that i am not the only one who knows all the words to "Texas Our Texas" and sings them in moments of Texas pride.
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