And there I was, thinking, "I'm so busy studying this month; I don't think I'll have anything interesting to blog about unless there is an uproar to hear my thoughts on sex tourism in the Caribbean (anyone, anyone? Buehler?)." So, I had given up on April blogging. I also didn't think I'd get a chance to get out with my camera (who should have a name). But, then THIS happened...
Dave Freaking Barnes. I have enjoyed his music since it was introduced to me and I have thought he was adorable and funny since the very first show of his that I attended (I don't care how many times I hear the "Is it because you are obese?" joke. It still kills me). However, on Monday I learned he is also vair vair dreamy.
Anyway, the above picture has two stories: A) What happens when you don't have a point-and-shoot and you give people your camera (but, I'm extremely grateful to my picture taker), and B) The tale of how I am still a 11 or 12 year old child. I'm going to tell story B.
I came home on Monday afternoon ready to write a page of my book review, but before really doing that, I had to check FB and stuff. On my homepage, I saw a Dave status saying that they needed emergency merch help for the show in Bloomington. I had been wanting to go to the show, but I didn't know who I would go with, and I didn't want to pay to go by myself. So I figured it was wiser to stay home. But, if you work merch, you get in for free and junk! So I sent an email, just to see if they still needed people, and clearly they did, so I went.
The show was great, Dave was good, funny, and all of the things you normally get from a Dave show. I got my free gift for working merch, a DVD of Dave's comedy routine in Nashvegas that I'm planning on watching this summer. It's entitled, "I talk. You Laugh (I hope)". You all should enjoy my gift with me in May. After getting my gift, I headed over to meet Dave.
At some point while I was waiting in the crowd to talk to him, my brain and mouth reverted to the speaking abilities of a child. I was unaware of this transition, but the bubbling excitement should have clued me in to my intellectual regression. So, when Dave came up to me and said, "Well, hey, how are you doing?" All I could say back was:
"Uhmm, ha, Haahiiii Dave! Um, I was just wondering, if I-- Um, could I get a picture with you?" Insert ridiculous smiles and slight laughter, wherever you think they would be appropriate.
Not that I had pictured what I would say to Dave if I met him, but if I had, I would have sounded more like an adult. Then we took a picture and I smiled like a goof for the rest of the evening.
Welp, I did have something to blog about in April after all. :)
Writing that book review,
P.S. Lawry, don't worry, you are dreamy, too :-P
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ahh what a stellar return to you blogging! dave is so precious. that is an especially precious picture of the two of you. and i am pumped about your gift! i have been wanting to go to one of his stand-up shows! how glorious!
thanks moolay! i'm pumped about it, too! i'm ready for laughter, that's not related to Latin Americanist jokes.
oh Dave, I've now had your new CD stuck in my head all week!
man crush. and real crush!
i actually really do want to hear your thoughts on sex tourism in the caribbean.
crush crush!
Someee-day, Mol-ly, someeee-day, I'll share with you my thoughts on it!
It does boil down to this though: all-inclusive resorts, kind of bad for the people that live there.
DAAAAAVE. I am so j. I would work merch for precious Dave, except he doesn't have ANY Texas dates yet. You should have told him of your love for the great state. We need to watch this DVD together. We could watch in this silly place called League City. I hear some girl has a delightful apartment there. Just saying. I can't wait to see you sooooooooooooon.
Oh, you mean League Silly? You, Erin, and Ashley are too much. You are the funniest. And you DO always smell really good (I read the HP page on Mollo's wedpage). We can totes watch it. I'm so excited, one track or chapter is entitled "LIKE a zit, but NOT a zit."
I actually did think about making some sort of joke like I had to come all the way up here for school just so I could see him in shows. I seriously planned on asking him when he was traveling west again, but then I met him... and everything fell out of my head. "Hhhhiiiiiiii, Dave."
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