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Snow is an active thing.  It means you have to leap over puddles, shuffle through slick spots, stomp around to get all the snow off your shoes, and march over the mountains of shoveled snow.  It much more active walking, but its a better work out I guess. So it's not terribly bad.

Anyway, I take phone pictures of the snow, and since it's been a while since mon last blog. I just thought I'd share some IU in 12 inches of accumulated snow pictures :)

Realizing I blog a lot about snow and waiting for spring,


Molly said...

iu looks like a castle. dreamy.

i miss you!!!!!! only a few more weeks until s-breaky.

Malsi said...

It is sort of dreamy... and it's even better when some sun come around :)

We're supposed to get ANOTHER 5-8 inches on Sunday night... I'm ready for spring

less that 3 weeks til s-breaky! I'll be in town at 1 on friday the 12th, yippee!