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Texas Reds: Wine, Steak, and Lawry


Sorry about my long absence.  I am afraid this little corner of the interwebs has almost died, but thanks to the rain this past weekend, my interweb words and the grass outside of our apartment are both rejuvenated.

Well, quick update since mon last post:
  • I am adult with a job. I teach wittle high schoolers.  They find new and creative ways to kick my butt everyday, but thankfully I have lots of help in learning to kick their butts right back into gear.
  • Lawry took his LSAT!  HOORAY!!  Life has been way more relaxed since then.  We are still waiting on fall to actually get here though.  Also, we will be waiting for about 2 or so more months until word one from the lawyering schools.
  • We got a doggie!  That's actually a story all on its own that Lawry would like to tell, because she's really his doggie.  I will however tell you her name, Michele Norris Welch.  Yes, she's named after an NPR host, yes we know this makes us sort of snobby.  But it's so vair amusant? Non?
That's all the big news 'round here.  Lawry and I went to the wine festival in downtown Bryan with our friends Vanessa and Damon and we drank 10 glasses of vino.  each.  If my face were ever hot from imbibing of "adult beverages" it were on Saturday last.

He's my favorite Red (and white for that matter). 

Ah! The end!  Finally!

Coping with my husbands new desire to play the stock market,


Molly said...

so many things i love here. first: you're back! second: your hair! third: lawry's your favorite white! yay. and the stock market? eekles. that would make me le nervous too. you are maybs a teensy bit snobbers with michele norris but i LOVE it. if that's snobby i'm a snobberoo too.

Jo said...

it has been a long dry spell without your loverly writing malsaroonie - i have missed you sooooooo. thanks for sharing your life once again. kisses.