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Long Time Gone

Dear D (sorry /FW, no time on this visit)
You're big and I'm glad Lawry did all of the driving while we were there.  I like you and all the stuff you have, but you know... you can calm down on it a little if you want.

Dear State Fair of Texas,
I'm not crazy on fried things, but buffalo chicken in a flapjack? WIN.  With maple syrup or with ranch, equally favorite.

Dear Lawry,
I would not equally share my Fried Autumn Pie with anyone else.  Okay, that's not true, but I like sharing it with you the most.

Dear Rangers,
My husband wrote you a celebration song.
Okay, also false.  He was just playing around with his new guitar.  In fact, this post features three of Lawry's loves: Michele, guitars, me.  In a different order.

Dear Michele Norris,
I love you, but this is why you are Lawry's dog.  This right herre.

Dear Kneverenzes,
I have a dream.  It involves a little extra divine providence on the hubbies' higher educations.

Dear Cambranos (Castro AND Zambrano... why hasn't this crossed my mind before?),
I await Thanksgiving and the world's best turkey.

Dear Lawry (es justo y necesario que recibas dos),
Do you want to go married camping with me?  FaceTime me.  Because I am the master of an ePhone now!

All of yoursen,


Molly said...

the kneverenzes want to go camping with the wambranos!

Malsi said...


Anonymous said...

My favorite picture!! Michelle!!

Anonymous said...

Just kidding I like all of your picture! maybe..