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This isn't a cooking blog, I promise.

I do lurve cooking though.  Maybe I should be more specific, I really like food, so I really like to share it with you.  At the Bloomie's Farmers' Market (see: below) Jess and I bought like a bazillion leaves of basil for $2.  Holler sustainable agriculture!  Anyway, what did we do with such natural goodness?  Make pesto pizza.  I love the color green and I love it even more when it tastes good.  I wish I could just carry sprigs of various herbs down the aisle instead of flowers.  It would smell so good.  Jess made the dough, I made the pesto and we threw various veggies on there.  It was a Mediterranean pizza with some sweet white corn to give it a Midwestern Flair.  Huzzah!
Delightful.  And, then we sat outside 'cause the weather is so gosh darn nice and chatted over our homemade dinner.  It is so wonderful to sit and chat over dinner with the roomz, she is definitely a blessing this year.  Off to verk!

Geeking out over my heavily theoretical reading (it's nice to enjoy it every so often),

Is photography art or is it fact? Discuss :)


Dave and Blake said...

malsssssi! yum! I'm jealous about sitting outside, eating dinner with you, and all the zam food that goes on in the world. I wish I could be there for every moment of it!

I can't remember the rest ... shoot!

love you!

Malsi said...

you can always come visit me in the midwest. i will buy you plenty of sweet corn and we can sit outside and enjoy autumn leaves after we spend a fun morning at the farmers' market :)