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The Last Weekend Of Summer

 Yes, that IS lattice work.  My roomie and I made the best of our last weekend of "freedom" from the throws of grad school.  Well, we are actually well into the throws, but decided to bake pie anyway.  Delight.  This is also our prize for A COMPLETELY RESTORED LIVING ROOM!! Yay for a normal, non-water-stained ceiling!

 Holy Michigan Peaches.


Getting Fatter,


Russell said...

that pie looks a-mazing. as if i needed ANY more reason to want to marry you.

Malsi said...

Haha, well I should say that Jess made that pie. So if you know any tall Midwestern boys that like to eat good pie, send them up to Bloomington ;)

But, I still really enjoy pie and will eat it with you whenever you want :) Maybe we can learn to bake it... sure ;)