Dear Bloomington Farmers' Market, you are a delight to my senses. Thank you for really red tomatoes. Dear Hamburgers, sometimes I set out to make you and I think, "Ah, red meat, I really shouldn't," but errytime you are so good and so worth it. You make me feel like summer. Dear toolkit, thanks for helping me fix our dryer, my pocketbook appreciates it too. Dear DigiDude, you are a logical LSAT loony-toon. I am so proud of you and all of your studying.
Loff to all of you, and love to Lawster,
P.S. The format for today just made sense to me, but I do le LURVE Today's Letters.
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do you still make hamburger balls?
hahaha! ah, no more, I learned the correct form... oh, good one Molly :)
hamburger balls? that sounds like a very crispy-on-the-outside-bleeding-on-the-inside bad idea. i must hear more about this later.
dear MJ, thanks for the shout out. i think today's format is very Malsi, even if it resembles Today's Cartas. and i love you.
ps. are those some future Wambrano wedding centerpiece jars getting an early debut?
One time Russell, when I was a more arrogant high schooler who THOUGHT she knew how to cook, I made the patties too small and they cooked into hamburger balls. They were difficult to eat...
Those aren't future Wambrano jars, they are future salsa verde jars, I HEART Mexican food!
no no, i think you not just made them small, but actually formed them into balls because you thought they would flatten out like cookies. and i thought i commented on here somewhere about how i had tamales and shiner last night for dinner and knew you would like to be there. i don't know where that comment went.
blushing ; )
Dear Mrs. Loerke, I admit I feel a little blog-starstruck, not gonna lie. Your blog reminds me to look for ways to encourage my fiance/future hubz, so thanks! I love reading about the Loerke Love.
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