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This post is diamonds.

The people asked, and a re-energized MJ will deliver.  The text from the Old Spice Date asking-outage.

The setting:

A girl wrapped up in a blanket sitting on a stool complaining about how she's cold and in the background a boy wrapping a towel around his waist.  Girl has her eyes closed and is also giving out various guesses about her surprise.

Boy appears and all text following is delivered by "The Man Your Man Looks EXACTLY Like" or TMYMLEL.

T-L: Well hello Malsi? How are you? Fantastic!
Do you like what you see? OF COURSE you do! I'm the Man Your Man Looks EXACTLY Like. And, I know what you're thinking.  Yes, I do workout.  Why, with these pecs I could bench press the Eiffel tower.  And, with biceps this large, I could uproot a mighty redwood and then caress it back to life with the beautifully full, rich tenor of the my smooth, seductive voice.  And, with these rock hard abs, I could probably do between one and three leg raises before having to take a breather.  Oh yes, the man your man looks exactly like is quite a sight to behold.  So you're welcome for the stunning visual.  But, I digress.  The man your man looks exactly like is here, on a mission!  I am here on behalf of your actual man to deliver this message:

(side note: Lawry memorized the above part, the below part he read from the message)

Dear Malsi... Hmmm... I'll paraphrase...
Dearest love of my life person and permanent someday roommate,
I am proposing that tomorrow, you and I will share a day of sweeping you of your feetedness and romantic happy funtivities.  Should you choose to accept my offer, our day together will include, but is not limited to the following:
Preparing a mighty smorgasbord with you and enjoying the bountiful feast and provisions of our labor
Taming a wild beast
Riding a horse backwards while a fanfare of perpetual guitar solos announce our grand entrance
Knocking down a wall
Serenading you with the soft disarming quality of my voice and instrument playing
Creating art with our bare hands
And finally, ending the night with an intimate dance together that will fill your soul with endless love feelings and happily ever after thoughts.

Yours truly forever and ever, your actual man,
Lawrence R. Welch.

This message is now diamonds!

Malsi, do you accept the offer proposed by your permanent someday roommate, Lawrence?
Me: Ha! Yes, of course I do!
Man Your Man Looks EXACTLY Like: Fantastic!

This was quite long, so stayed tuned for episode three of Old Spice Guy Date when I explain how we knocked down a wall, created art, tamed a wild beast and rode horses backwards!

Enjoying hummus,


Molly said...

yayyyyyyyyyyyyy. lawry gets like 5 gajillion man points for this date asking. and i am also thrilled to officially be "the people." i will use my power wisely. maybe. give me what i want!

Megan said...

I am a big fan of this. And Russel. I need an upDATE, though. Mostly about the horse riding.