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Whatever happened to predictability?

Well, not everything is uncanny in San Franny, but this sure was:
But, to be fair, I edited it a little bit and added some extra weird-ness to this sunglasses display.

My first thought about San Francisco? "This DOESN'T look like Full House.  I'm disappointed."  But, then we found the areas that did look like the show and my sister and I staged a reenactment of the opening credits of the show.
I'm listening intently, she's drinking the Dr. Pepper that we saved from the plane on the way over to SF.
I just got owned by the pinball game in the big coin-operated machine museum at Fisherman's Wharf
We found a dollar! What luck! Let's buy gum!

Savoring my last days in the Texas heat,


Russell said...

my future in-laws are so much fun! malsi sr. is so funny. did she pose for this picture before or after the free second-hand marijuana smoke? :)

Savoring your last days in the same time zone as me,