So, mi mamá needs some really early Save the Dates to send out to some of her friends and our family, but we haven't taken engagement pictures yet, so I asked Lawry if he could design some sort of Lovey Bird Save the Date postcard. And, let me tell you folks, that man is good with a computer, so much so that I told him that if he were a superhero, he'd be digital. He said he'd fight spam with his digital powers. Anyway, through the process of the designing, he became... dun dun dun... DIGIDUDE! Which I think works because of the digital prowess and that fact that he says "dude" often. I got two superhero names because I want to be MathMatriach, but for now, I'm HerStory.
Anyway, DigiDude finished his Save the Date task, and because the bloggies are my favorite, I will give you a sneak peek.
Holy Macaroni, he's good!
Putting together an appropriate superhero outfit for the D-Dude,
MathMatriarch (I originally wanted "MathMaid," but the "maid" part bothered my feminism gene)
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aah, "HerStory." I see what ya did there. Thank you for the blog props Malsita!
I still need to give the bird on the right a bow tie.
cuuuuuuuute lawry. you can be my artsy friend. i need one of those. want to make me a headband? a digital headband?
i saw that taza had free shipping and i really wanted to buy one of her headbands...
me too but 40 bucks is pretty steep.
aww, these are cute. i'm impressed with the talent of Mr. Lawry.
well done, russell!
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