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Noah, Build Me an Arky, Arky

God told Noah to build him an ark because an epic flood was going to wipe out humanity, but where was my memo to check the washer connection when an epic leak was going to wipe out my September checkbook?!  Oh, well.  I got a message from my spectacular roommate Jess, that said some stuff but all I heard was "water... dripping... ceiling."  Mother.Of.Pearl.  Anyway, I get home and it's all taken care of and such (see: spectacular roommate, Jess), but we've got to pay for le damages and junk.  Erlack-a-pongoes!  Welp, I've got a long weekend ahead (or not, IU doesn't believe in workers' movements), and many things to do and be occupied with!
God, please send me a rainbow of your promise to always remind me to check the washer connection?
Watching carpet and ALL of our towels dry,

Let me add, all is MUCH better now.  I am drinking a Shiner.  Thank you, TEXAS, for bottling your essence.


Dave and Blake said...

Oh no malsiiii! I hope everything is ok with the water logged ceiling! I have been working on our blog this morning! You should see the updates.. :) Later I'm going to try to upload some photos and post them!

Molly said...

why do you have to pay for the damages? isn't this an apartment? crazy. so sorry. love you.

Malsi said...

Blakeslee, as I've said before, your blogs are digital sunshine. Please continue to chronicle the adventures of the Spanntastic Two! Or the Spann Duo.

Molly, I know, right? Hello? This is why I'm a renter, you pay for natural disasters! On the upside, we have moved from disaster zone to recovery. And, I learned that our particular incident was one of the better ones, some folks have entire pieces of sheet rock fall out of the ceiling. Since the W/D isn't the apartment's they don't pay for any incidents concerning W/D. And, since we don't rent our W/D set, we are the onliest ones responsible for it. Blah on a sheetrock. Except not blah, rather, another word that is alliterative with sheet.
Also, you blogs are also digital sunshine. Yittle rays of digital sun.