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I don't believe you.

Well, you SHOULD! So this seems lame and unlike moi, but I promise, it's legit.  I tested it out before advertising to the world... there's this website... Swaggiebucks.  It's a search engine that rewards you for doing searches.  Seriously.  You do searches and it randomly awards you a swagbuck.  You accumulate SBs and then redeem them for some of the various prizes on the website.  Most of the stuff is sort of ehhhh, EXCEPT for the giftcard section.  You can get Amazon giftcards, B&N, Starbucks, Southwest Airlines giftcards, Target and some other stuff, too.

So you are doubting me. It's okay.  I was a skeptic as well.  Lawry laughed and said it wasn't real and if it was, I wouldn't get anything good.

Then, THIS happened:

Yes, that's me with a $10 giftcard to Starbucks and the little note the Swag people send you.

The next question... did that card have money on it?  IT DID!! I have enjoyed two beverages already and I have enough on there for my third! Whoa.  That's when I became a believer. Little b.

Search & Win

So, okay.  Check it out! And it doesn't cost anything, nor do you have sign away your soul or anything funky like that.  I'll let you know if weirdee things happen.

Getting "free" caffeeine,


Russell said...

and then i got my starbucks carrrd! now iiiii'm a beliieeeevverrr!

people always say there's no such thing as a free lunch. but what if what you "paid" for the lunch wasn't worth anything to you? free caffeine!

Molly said...

whoaaa. i need to check this out. you should re-check out my wedsite to see a delightful picture of you:)

i miss you!!!

Malsi said...

As far as I know, swaggie is no scammie. But some stuff on facebook sure seems like it, ahem, Russell.

Russell said...

yes, the itunes thing was clearly a scam. i must not have paid much attention to it before. good eye mals!

but swag bucks--definitely NOT a scam! i was skeptical.