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Texas Brews

This past weekend we drank to our hearts' content at Texas Craft Brewers Festival and while we were there the sky completely opened up and dumped all of its precious water bounty on us.  Luckily, we were sitting in the pavilion watching the blues band, eating chicken and waffles, and drinking delicious brews when the rainfall started.  We each had three beer coupons left at that point and we weren't about to leave the festival and all that beer behind, so we were grateful our shoe selections that day were more than up to the task of treading about soggy festival grounds.

Our sweet sweet reward.   As a good friend once told me, if they had had hops in Middle East, Jesus would have made a brew.  I've no idea about beer culture in ancient or modern Israel, but I agree.

Here's to you bloggies!


Molly said...

essential question: how did you protect the chicken and waffles??