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I miss the Church calendar--I sometimes wonder why some people are hesitant, or averse to it. Lawry says he thinks it's because some people hear the words "Lent, Advent, Pentecost" and they think Catholicism which is not Protestant and maybe not Christian. Well, without setting off debate I summarize my thoughts on that as follows:
I think seasons are good for the soul and I think the discipline it takes to follow them and practice them help open our hearts to God. This is really something I re-learned after reading Lauren Winner's books (holler scholar) and enjoying the seasons in Indiana--rebirth, death, life, these are good for thinking.
P.S. this is a good Lenten devo (we're currently on week three), and all of L. Winner's books are fantastic (I've not read all of them, but the ones I have are grood--great and good)
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