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Dear Lawry,
You impress me.


Dear Vandy Law School,
Your FedEx'd acceptance package is EXCITING!  

Dear Wake Forest, U of H, and George Washington,
Thanks for accepting Lawry, we're REALLY excited about all the different possibilities we could have at each of your schools!  Now, offer us some (more) scholarships!

Dear BU, SMU, IU, et al.,
Could you step up your acceptance game?  We're waiting and we're getting less good at this whole patience thing, which you could basically take to mean that you're making us sin.  I don't think that's a stretch.

Dear Lawry (again),
You will be the cutest lawyer ever.  That's something lawyers aspire to be, right?


Molly said...

yay! and just think, you could have a baby in the same building in which i was born! holla! ;)

one of the many Skogen families running about... said...

wahoo! That package IS exciting! It's like a first edition hardback for cryin out loud!