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Spring! Spring! Spring!

Winter was like a wounded animal that wouldn't die, but in addition to staying around, it kept loudly bellowing for an extra month before it finally gave way to spring.  This time last week, it was snowing. I was le disappointed in Indiana and I continually tried to make my mother appreciative of the warmth-induced pollen haze she was experiencing.  There is no medicine for COLD.

All of that said, I am in "Goodbye Bloomers!" stage.  Tres weeks left until I return to the glorious state, so I'm trying to take all the spare free time I have and enjoy the people, Bloomie, and the wonders of April up here.  This past weekend I went on a hike at Brown County State Park.  There were lots of buds, but no blooms yet, still it was a glorious!, glorious!  day with friends, food, and nature.
 Not a single jumping picture worked, but I think this one is the funniest of all the attempts
 Our fabulous spread, or as my roomie said, "LET'S TAKE A PICTURE OF ALL THE STUFF WE BOUGHT AT THE STORE!"  It is true.  But those M&M cookies were courtesy of one moi.  And she made excellent punkin bread.
 You might remember this.
So, as you can tell, the sun was setting.  We were still, oh, maybe half a mile to 3/4 of a mile away from the car.  We just BARELY made it out while there was still light.  We had run into these really nice (yet creepy, they were TOO interested in whether or not we had wine with us and if we would drink some later) older ladies when we were at the "lake" (in Indiana they call reservoirs "lakes," but they make very little attempts to make them look anything like a lake) and they warned us of having to crawl out on our hands and knees after the sun went down, so they tried to offer us a ride back in their van.  We've concluded they were going to abduct us, but I think we could have taken them.

Lastly, I was thinking about how all famous bloggers tell their readers how much they le lurve them.  Well, it's true, I lurve the bloggees the best.  I will try to entertain-vouz more often!

8 days to thesis final submission,


Molly said...

yay!!!!!! we love you! and thanks (for the post. although thanks for the love, too).

Malsi said...

you're welcome! i have more on the wayyyyyyyy!!!!! (post and love both)

Emily said...

i love reading about your life. you make me want to travel to Indiana, mainly just to play with you!

Russell said...

Wow, three weeks! You're almost done with the Indiana chapter of your life! barring any IU Maurer School in our future ;)

I like Bloomington. I'm already missing it for you!