So, the undergrad Intervarsity chapter at IU put on this pretty cool series called "Jesus and the End of (insert controversial topic)" last week on campus. The event was geared for undergradies, but our chapter partnered up with them to provide some gradies to pair up with an undergrad IV-er and then lead discussion group for each of the five topics. So, they had some speakers come in for each topic, then the follow-up study. I wasn't really all about donating 1.5 hours for four weeks during the busiest time of the year--but I felt the continual prodding. I probably would have successfully ignored it if it weren't for some encouragement from some of my fellow grad IV-ers. Anyway, I'm helping with the study on "Jesus and the End of Racism." So, some things:
1. I really liked the speaker's talk--though there were some things I think needed more "fleshing out."
2. I'm humbled by people's questions and desire to engage the topic.
3. My heart really breaks for this issue. There's so much pain, hurt, and all sorts of negative stuff!
Welp, I'm glad I'm stretching my time a bit to do this. I'm learning, people are learning, and Jesus is awe-striking.
What issues do you care about a lotty lot lot?
In the home stretch,
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I'm thankful for universities and the fact that people come together and talk about important things.
Te amo!
Well, academics do that (maybe too much), but sure, undergrads do it too sometimes :)
i really really like the title of this post. sounds like an interesting series!
They recorded all the talks! Hopefully they'll spread the link soon and I'll post it! I REALLY want to hear the one on homophobia. Rumor has it that it was a packed house AND there were hecklers (of the far conservative variety--though there were also folks from the far liberal end of the spectrum there)
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