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Studying Space

After hot cocoa, Lawry and I explored our creative side.  Lawry was impressed with the quality and size of our Midwestern art museum.  Also, there was a coat check that you actually had to use because it was brrrrrr outside.  Lawry learned how cumbersome winter can be, coat checks are a good thing. We started a new tradition for art museums:  we get an art sketch book and we pick one work of art and try our best to draw it.  We haven't decided yet if we'll pick a winner or anything like that.  But if we do pick a winner, it's just so that person can pick where to eat or what beer to get with dinner.

"Golly, we should get married" #3: You humor my brain and answer questions like, "what is the point of museums?" for me.

Excited and anxious to be at less than100 days til the Wambrano Wedding,


Molly said...

what IS the point of museums?
reminds me of a question i had as a youth: what is the purpose of the pope? (i made up a song to that one... and i'm still not sure of the answer)

i was reading a bit of Gilbert and Gubar's The Madwoman in the Attic the other day and thought of you as they discussed their moving to Bloomington joys and whoas. You should check it out. The introduction in the 2009 edition. I mean, it's not that amazing, but it's worth a study break.

love this daily dose of sap!

Molly said...

hahaha woes, not whoas. whoas would be more fun, though.

Malsi said...

Mollina! It is on my leisure list for when the time fairy visits! I should make a list of Bloomington joys and woes (and whoas) and compare it to theirs... it'd be interesting for suresies.

Malsi said...

Molly, remember that time you took a picture as the pope? I do.

Also, I didn't mention this before, but my new aim--write a song about museums. Going to have to think on the content of the lyrics though.