http://www.idsnews.com/news/multimedia/media.aspx?type=PG&id=348#!&pn=5 |
This sleepy midwestern state is trying to pass a bill similar to Arizona's SB 1070 bill (the one with the racial profiling, not the one where they try to eliminate ethnic studies or that one time they didn't want to observe MLK Day). So in a protest commensurate to the size of Bloomington, I got my 1968 on (or should I say, my 2011 on?), and marched for a bit with my friends and some townies. I told my Dad about it, 'cause he was a "Down with imperialism!" yelling university student back in his day. He asked if we had tear gas thrown at us, and when I told him "no" he said, "well, you got off pretty easy then." He was proud and supportive, but I'm pretty sure that compared to the 70s in Venezuela, he thought our protest was "kinda cute." :) That's okay, 'cause I'm not on a soapbox. I just think immigrants want to work hard--I want to work hard, and I am an extremely fortunate immigrant with many opportunities presented to me. I think the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is not just a US American Dream--it's a people dream. And, we're all people, right? Yes.
Getting my spirits up about grading papers,
You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. - Gal 3:26-29
PS - My Dad is in no way a Latin American university student now. I'm pretty sure he would want me to make sure that got cleared up. :)
I'm proud of you for getting your 2011 (sure, let's go with it) on! Indiana is up to some funny business today! I also heard about some Dems gettin' the heck outta dodge so they don't pass a union buster like the one in Wisconsin.
Lots of folks gettin' their revolution on this year!
...i like my google secret word:
well said Malsi. i do still ready your blogs. the big day is getting here faster and faster (not that it has anything to do with this subject which you spoke so eloquently about).
hmm arizona and indy are weirdys. we should've known this was coming when they wanted to opt out of daylight savings time.
my word: wrachese. makes me think of parchisi. which i never want to play because it makes me feel like those gummy pieces are made out of cheese and that's weird.
Thanks friends :)
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