High culture: Us at the MAC, the opera house at IU, classy classy
Medium Culture: Clark Kent turning INTO Superman and his trusty sidekick, Lois Lane
And, Low Culture: Lawry and I cleansing our pores and making scary faces. You are supposed to leave this on all night but Lawry took his off in the middle of the night after I was asleep because he thought it was gross to have all that stuff on his face.
Already SUPER excited about next Halloween,
some thoughts:
1) i like your lacy tights
2) you have had that shirt for eons. i even want to think that you wore that shirt to an ap test or taks test or something. or maybe that was your hiv shirt. and maybe you forgot to wear another piece of clothing that day.
Sorry pores. No gross all-night mask for me.
Molly, yes to ALL of the above. I should do that more often, I did really well on that test. Next time I'm writing I'll wear that shirt minus the baskets ;)
Russell, but your skin feels so GOOD and smooth the next day! You should try it again. I promise it's good.
i cannot believe he let you put that stuff on him...
ok, i don't know him at all, but i definitely can't believe it.
p.s. i'm blog stalking you at work.. it's boring today.
friskies (no one calls me that anymore)
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