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A Reason The Sun Feels So Warm

Before Lawry left on his flight back to Texas, he gave me several self-addressed and stamped envelopes so I can write him letters this semester, and few blank envelopes and more stamps so I can write other people, too.  He also wrote a note for me to read the day after his flight.  I'm looking forward to this year, and I cannot wait to be married to him.

Saturday, here's lookin' at you,


Molly said...

you are so saptastic and blogtastic and i love it. if you write me i will write you back.

Russell said...

i like that post title love friend. you are super saptastic. in fact, just ditto everything molipher said above. :)

Jo said...

I love that you blog often because I love reading it - funtasticness.

Malsi said...

I have blogged a lot in August! Yay! Must continue to blog, it's what the famous bloggers do! Also, it's the most fun when I hear from you guys. The bloggies ARE my favorite.

annemarye said...

presshhhh! this letter is adorable. (sorry, russell, i'm sure you don't like hearing either of those words used in reference to something you did.)

Malsi said...

no anne, he is the original sap. he LOVES it.

Anonymous said...

I love it!!!!! It is very exciting to receive letter from family, friends and most important Fiancee!!!! and Fiance too..

Russell said...

Hahaha, Malsi (Sr.) I can definitely write you a letter too!

And Anne, Malsi is correct. Sappy sap sap.