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The Post of Your Dreams

For the bloggies, I bring the tale of riding a horse backwards, creating art with our bare hands, and dancing until our hearts were filled with love feelings and happily ever after thoughts

First, le art
You might notice that the red of his new man mug matches the red of his then beard.  I was a fan.
Lawry wanted us to paint pottery that would remind us of our wedding every time we look at it.  Even though that honkin' heap o' diamonds reminds me all the time, I do love my new rice bowl.  I will eat rice, black beans, and umm... maybe avocados (when in season) in it.  Also, cereal.

Now, dancing... Lawry wanted to practice our "first dance" song for the Love Party in May.  Which song did we pick? Come to Denton on May 28th to find out!

Bestest for lastest... riding a horse backwards.  You probably figured this out... cause I did, but when I was guessing in my head I thought, "Surely that's not it, not because it wouldn't be hilar, but I bet that's not it."  But bloggies, we were both right.  And, that's why I don't have a picture of it.  'Cause Lawry got on all fours and I "rode a horse backwards" around his living room.  Being married to him is going to be awe-to the-some.

Riding horses backwards,


Russell said...

I would like to add that as another feature of Old Spice Man date, we literally knocked down a wall. Literally.