Okay, I don't think I've ever expressed my enamored-ness with Habitat for Humanity's ReStore on the blogosphere before, but it's never too late. The ReStore is the greatest thing to happen to contributing to Habitat, reusing, and getting really groovetastic stuff. And, it's heck-a-cheap. For serious. You should visit sometime, you find the coolest stuff. Like this awesome floor lamp!
It was... eight-flippin'-dollars!
Well, plus the two more dollars I paid to buy a new globe thing for the middle light since I broke the original matching one as I carried the lamp across the parking lot.And check out the little flippy-on things! I wish I had more time in a semester, I would love to work/volunteer at ReStore.
When I showed Lawry my new lamp through cell phone picture he said, "The Wambrano home is going to ROCK!" Besides his love of post- and modern things, I'm glad we have similar decor ideas.
Flipping my cool new lamp on and off so I can see how the light comes through the milkglass,
Bella!!! Me gusta!
reminds me of gas lamps my grandma had. from when she was a cotton picker. literally. very cool malsina.
thanks! the historian in me wants to to be transported back to the time when your grandma used her gas lamps, i want to go with my mac though so i can take notes!
Thanks for linking to the Restore site - we have one in Chattanooga!!! I'm totally there :)
Holla C-Sko, save the earth and a get a cool lamp! Or re-tile your kitchen/bath. Or change the cabinets. Or replace your doors. Or install a cool new bathtub, perhaps with jets and everything! I heart ReStore... I wish I had a house so I could ReStore it out.
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