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Go Green.

My favorite color is green.  So, it is no wonder that:
a) my wedding is incorporating plentiful amounts of green,
b) my wedding is going green,
c) I have too many green shirts

So, help us green out our Love Premiere (one of the terms I'm using to refer to the upcoming nuptials)!  Collect big and little glass jars you get from the grocery, like tomato sauce jars, honey jars, other jars, and give me a call!  I wanted to do low key vases for the centerpieces and I liked the idea of mason jars, but then I thought, "Well, hey, I bet I could just collect enough jars for centerpieces and the like without buying them, and then, I'll just recycle them or use them in my home whatevering! And, the wedding will look cooler because of the randomness."  More on the re-purposing of wedding decor later, I read about it on a blog and I was like, "Whoa, yes, I want re-useful things!"  Anyway, the other thing, cans!  I'll take cans as well, but more so of the larger ones than the not larger ones.  Like the 28 oz variety.  I bet the 40 oz ones would work, too.
Loving the earth,
M.Jo and Lawry


one of the many Skogen families running about... said...

Classico sells it's pasta sauce in mason jars - very nice. I will only buy that kind of sauce over the next year!

Malsi said...

Yay! So, excited! Also, I'm really excited about Baby Girl Sko's room. I wanted to tell you again. It is going to be gorgeous. I'm going for something red :)

Molly said...

i think my mom may have extra mason jars from my wedding... you could take a few and incorporate them randomly. yay green wedding! also, i like that you signed your blog with lawry's name too. you are super engaged.

Megan said...

Sorry I am a spaz and forgot to get back to you about the massive amount of glass jars/vases that currently reside in the Ogle household. I l-o-v-e your idea, and you are welcome to ANY of the ones you previewed last month. Give me a call and I will tell the padres and you can go make your selection.

Also, I will now be on a mission to find the coolest jars/glasses on the Gulf Coast.