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Civil Society (n) - 1. people drinking tea or playing nicely in the snow

So, Texas: 1 snow day, Indiana: 0 snow days.

Now what are the odds of that? Low.  Lower than the odds of this paper I'm writing getting published any time soon! Psh, "publishable." Please, I just want to finish it and be moderately proud of it.  Aside from that, I am normally sad when it snows in some part of Texas that I could be in, but instead I'm in some other part or Texas (or the world, like the year it snowed on Christmas and I was in Venezuela).  I generally feel I will miss my one day of snow/year or something when that happens.  Not today, today, I thought, "Yeah, I don't know how cool (ha!) I will think snow is after a winter here..."

Also, if any of you (Molly, my sister, and Russ, because you are my dedicated bloggees), see a news article that just MENTIONS civil society, forward it to me! I need it for class.  As a prize, the most interesting article will get their article LINKED on my blog (woohoo!) and their choice of a) a hug or b) hang out time with me!  Ah, what joy awaits (you and me both, I miss you Texasites dearly).

Praying for endurance for graduaties (the student kind today, but I love the people that are professionals now, too) everywhere,


Unknown said...

aaaahhh, would i want a) or b)? physical touch or quality time? decisions decisions. is there an all of the above? i'll keep an eye out for you!

Malsi said...

I think the all of the above option is sort of implied. I wouldn't give someone a hug and then just walk away! But I mean, I guess if you JUST want option A...

Washed Up said...

Eh? I'll try and see if there are any cool-ish ones.

"Burundi: Reverse Ban on Civil Society Group"

"Separatists, unite for quiet dialogue: Kashmir civil society"

Molly said...

like currents events articles or scholarly journal articles? i have read about civil society some recently in relation to african american women. but it's in a book. it's about black bitches. no lie.

malsi, you are not on le facebook anymore, so you didn't see, I GET TO TAKE CHILDREN"S LIT NEXT SEMESTER!! let's have a phone date soon. i really miss you. and i already miss you in january too (if that makes sense...)

Malsi said...

It does, and I already miss you in January too. Phone date this weekend? That would work really well for me, Sunday afternoon or Saturday around lunchen time?

Ohhh, children's lit? I'm le jealous. You have Russell to blame for the Facebook thing (he changed HIS password too! Not that other's people's facebook quite the same, but still...)

Black bitches civil society? Interesting, indeed! We should chat about that sometime, who knows when.

Unknown said...

i'm sorry molly. facebook is the one area of malsi's life she has given me control over right now. my big heart wants to give her the password. but i'm staying strong!

also, i found a civil society article...i think. the International Committee of the Red Cross is CS right? it sure is to political scientists anyway.

(the source is the AFP, it's a French news organization, one of the biggest in the world. it's legit. think Reuters or the Associated Press.)