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Are you voting for Sarah Palin in 2012?

Some one asked me this earlier this week, thanks to a facebook picture of me wearing a Texas Republican t-shirt (Ahem, Anne...).  It wasn't in a bad way, but still, ack, no, not voting for Sarah Palin.  This video is just an SNL joke, but it COULD be real. I shiver at the thought!

Palin: 2012????

Well, I should be honest, the shiver is due largely to the fact that it's cold, and we're supposed to get the first snow tonight! It's not supposed to stick, but brrrrrr!  Even though the shiver is weather related, I wouldn't vote for Sarah Palin in hot weather either.  Just clarifying.  If you're confused, please refer to my note about Rush Limbaugh.

Also, Russell said that I was on Facebook too much and so he went on and changed my password.  Now I can't get on, but it's okay, I'll just blog! That'll show him! Silly man, thinking he can hold me back, my femininity will not be contained! Also, I'm totally kidding about Russell being silly, I asked him to change it for me.  I wonder what the new password is...  Also, I wonder if my friends that used to get on my account for various reasons will try to log on and then think, "She changed her password and didn't tell me??? Ugh." Probs not.

The Zambranos are at < 2 daughters this Thanksgiving. I am tres sad.  I should be in Texas :/

Well, off to do all the writing I stayed here to do!


Washed Up said...

lol @ Sarah Palin

I got offended when Tessa changed her password and didn't tell me lol. Better tell your buddies what happened. I bet the password is "russellforever"

Also, we're saving you leftovers! :)

Malsi said...

Ah, "russellforever" didn't work... sad, I will continue to take suggestions though! I don't really want to get on my facebook account, but I do want to figure out the password.

And yay for leftovers!

annemarye said...

haha, i apologize for being the reason behind people thinking you would actually vote for sarah palin. if i were being honest, i would have to admit that i couldn't even bring myself to vote for her.
p.s. i am really enjoying catching up on your blog. this is what happens when you work at a university and all of the students are taking finals or have already left. :)